Our Services
Dental Care
According to the American Veterinary Dental College more than 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have dental disease by the age of 3. Dental disease can be very uncomfortable for pets and the longer it is left untreated, the more complicated and expensive it becomes to treat. Furthermore, improper care of your pet’s teeth can often be the cause of serious illness. If left untreated, dental problems can lead to larger systemic problems in your pet due to oral bacteria entering the bloodstream and damaging the kidneys, heart and liver.
If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, please make an appointment immediately:
- Yellow or brown buildup (tartar) on the teeth
- Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
- Bad breath
- Excessive drooling
- Changes in eating or chewing habits
- Pawing at the face
- Loose teeth
- Depression
Oral Exams: Proper dental care is one of the easiest ways to protect your pet’s health and keep them pain free. During your pet’s oral exam, we will examine your pet’s mouth, teeth, and jaw. We may recommend x-rays to assess the health of your pet’s tooth roots as well. Regular oral exams, help prevent irreversible dental disease, tooth loss, and possibly expensive oral surgery.
Teeth Cleanings: Your pet’s dental cleaning will begin with a physical examination so that we can evaluate your pet’s general health. After the physical exam, your pet will be given an anesthetic for a safe and painless teeth cleaning since most dental disease starts below the gumline. The first part of dental cleaning requires the removal of tartar using a hand scaler. Next, an ultrasonic scaler is used to clean above the gum line while a curette cleans and smooths the teeth under the gum line in the crevice between the teeth and gums. Then your pet’s teeth are polished, and the gums are washed with an anti-bacterial solution to help delay tartar build-up.
Extractions and Advanced Procedures: Our veterinarians will only recommend tooth extractions if we believe it is necessary for your pet’s wellbeing. We usually recommend this when we identify that your pet has an infected or broken tooth that is likely causing them pain. In the case that we recommend a tooth extraction, we will discuss what this means for your pet and how to properly care for them while they’re healing.
How To Prevent Dental Disease Before It Begins: Regular wellness visits allow us to check your pet’s mouth and teeth and identify issues before they progress. Additionally, at-home dental care, including regularly brushing your pet’s teeth and using teeth cleaning treats, can prevent plaque from building up. Lastly, avoid hard toys and bones that can potentially damage your pet’s teeth.
Wellness Exams
As our veterinary professors wisely taught us, a thorough physical examination is the foundation of good medicine. We use our knowledge and experience to look, listen, and touch in order to gain insight into your pet’s health. (Thank you Dr. Francis Fox)
We perform as thorough an examination of your pet as he or she will allow, checking all body areas for problems. For puppies and kittens, monthly exams during first few months of life look for normal growth and development. We’ll administer vaccines and parasite preventatives based on your pet’s risks and lifestyle.
For adult and aging pets, we look for signs like joint pain, dental disease, lumps and bumps, internal organ function, and mental function that may need some help for improved quality and length of life. Laboratory tests and/or imaging with X-rays and ultrasound may help to uncover and define problem areas better. We’ll discuss parasite prevention and ways for your pet to remain healthy. We’ll teach you about any medical conditions so that you can make wise choices concerning your pet’s well-being. And we’ll always try our best to answer all your questions.
Our Thoughts on Vaccinations:
Vaccinations work to prevent disease by exposing your pet’s immune system to a very weakened form of the disease. Your pet’s immune system will fight off the disease by forming cells and antibodies that will remember the disease organism and how to defeat it before it has a chance to make your pet sick. In almost all cases, your pet will not develop signs of illness from the vaccine. Booster vaccinations are like repeated infections given to remind the immune system of the disease, stimulating your pet’s immune system to clear the disease organism once again.
Rarely, a booster vaccination may cause an undesired immune reaction. Some reactions include anaphylactic shock or allergic reactions, or the vaccination may make existing immune diseases–like allergies–worse. Very rarely, they may cause life-threatening blood disorders or even malignant tumors at the site of injection.
Research and clinical experience has shown that annual vaccinations for our adult pets are no longer necessary or wise. Extending the intervals between immunizations for common diseases is more prudent and may help to reduce the risk of vaccine-associated conditions and reactions.
Our recommendations for pets living in our geographic location are as follows.
All puppies should receive vaccinations for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo, (DHPP) and Rabies. Ideally DHPP given at 8, 12, and 16 weeks, and Rabies given between 12 and 16 weeks, with both repeated one year later. The most important booster is the 16 week DHPP and Rabies vaccinations. (Dogs 12 weeks or older with no vaccine history should receive two DHPP vaccinations four weeks apart and one Rabies vaccine).
All kittens should receive vaccinations for Panleukopenia (feline distemper), Herpes and Calici virus (FVRCP) and Rabies. Ideally FVRCP given at 8, 12, and 16 weeks, and Rabies given between 12 and 16 weeks, with both repeated one year later. The most important booster is the 16 week FVRCP and Rabies vaccinations. (Cats 12 weeks or older with no vaccine history should receive two FVRCP’s four weeks apart and one Rabies vaccine). Kittens who will be outdoors or reasonably expected to escape outside should receive two doses of feline leukemia vaccine, 12 and 16 weeks.
Adolescent dogs and cats (one to two years old) should receive a single booster of their juvenile vaccines.
Adult dogs and cats vaccinated according to the above protocol generally maintain protective immunity against those diseases for at least three years and more often 5 to 7 years. A blood test (= vaccine titer) can measure the amount of antibodies circulating in your pet’s bloodstream and help to determine the need for booster vaccinations. We recommend a titer test three years after the adolescent vaccine, then periodically afterward depending on the results. We then give specific boosters for only the low- or negative-titer diseases. If titers are not performed, then boosters are given every three years or at the discretion of the owner and doctor together based on lifestyle and risk. Rabies vaccination is required by NYS law every three years regardless of titer results unless there is an overwhelming medical reason not to vaccinate.
Additionally, adult cats retain lifetime immunity to panleukopenia (distemper) if vaccinated as a kitten and adolescent, and may only require herpes and calici virus boosters (FVRC) every three years or as determined by titers and/or lifestyle and risk. Feline leukemia vaccine is recommended annually for all young cats. and every 3 years for older outdoor cats.
Other non-core vaccines such as Bordetella (kennel cough), Lyme, and Leptospirosis for dogs may be given annually based on lifestyle and risk.
The only vaccine required by law is Rabies.
For more information, log on to www.dvmvac.com. Dr. Ford is a professor of veterinary medicine at North Carolina State University and sits on the American Animal Hospital Association’s vaccine task force.
Exotic Pet Care
Here at Nachbar Veterinary Hospital we also care for rabbits, ferrets, small mammals (like hamsters, gerbils, and rats), and reptiles such as turtles, tortoises, lizards, and non-venomous snakes. Due to severe allergy, we cannot see guinea pigs. We refer new bird patients to Specialized Care for Exotic Pets (buffalobirdnerd.com).
Are you looking to get an exotic pet?
Exotic pets are becoming increasingly popular, especially for those who enjoy having those unique pets. The problem with owning exotic pets, people don’t do the research that is involved with taking care of them. Yes, a lizard may not need the attention a dog or cat require (or do they?), but they still require a lot of care including special lights, calcium supplements, and more. Exotic pets include reptiles and birds, some mammal species could be considered exotic though most are considered pocket pets. There are certain restrictions and regulations to owning exotic pets depending on the state you are in, here in New York State there are stricter rules than in some other states. Having an exotic pet can be quite a responsibility, but they are also very fun and can sometimes be less time consuming than a dog or cat. Now exotic animals can require just as much attention as a dog or cat, depends on the animal and also how far you are willing to go with them. A snake, lizard, chinchilla that you want to be able to handle needs to be handled and worked with on a daily basis. Please, please, please do your research on any pet you want to acquire no matter the species, they all require special treatments and needs. There are so many people who get a pet without knowing how much work, time and money go into having them.
Is your rabbit not eating well? Does your hamster, rat or lizard have a lump? All pets are important and sometimes they need to see the veterinarian on a regular basis, yearly or every few years. We are happy to see any type of pet that needs veterinary assistance even if it just a yearly check up to make sure all is well.
Dental care is important for rabbits as their teeth continue to grow and are sometimes abnormally worn down with time. Rabbits that have overgrown teeth have problems eating and can lose weight fairly quickly.
Dr. Nachbar has performed lump removal surgeries on hamsters, and even geckos! We also spay and neuter rabbits, for those that were told they got two males and one of them ends up being a female and you don’t want a larger rabbit family.

Here we see many rabbits with chronic teeth problems, this is Cinnamon, one of our patients that came in on a regular basis for us to trim his teeth.

Dr. Nachbar removed two cysts from a Leopard gecko’s eye region in October 2017 and then removed another growth in the same region a few months later.

Dr. Nachbar also works with wildlife rehabilitators with injured wildlife that need veterinary treatment. The owl pictured came in with a foot wound that didn’t allow the owl to close his foot properly. After several months of rehabilitation the Great Horned owl was released back into the wild.
Parasite Prevention and Control
Parasites can pose a variety of health concerns for your pets and your family, but we can help you develop a prevention routine to keep everyone safe. At Nachbar Veterinary Hospital, we recommend keeping your pets on year-round prevention to stop pests before they become a problem.
Common parasites include fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal worms. During your pet’s annual exam, we will test your pet for parasites with a thorough physical exam, a fecal test, and a blood test. Even if your pet is on year-round prevention, annual tests are still extremely important to detect parasites even if you aren’t seeing any symptoms.
Our knowledgeable healthcare team will help you develop a prevention plan that fits your lifestyle. You can keep your pets safe with either monthly oral medication or topical treatments. We will discuss what method can most effectively address your family’s needs.
Puppy and Kitten Care
The dedicated team at Nachbar Veterinary Hospital is here to help you ensure your puppy or kitten gets off to the best start possible. Make sure to schedule your new pet’s first appointment within the first few weeks of bringing them home. The initial visit provides us an opportunity to meet and offers you a chance to ask questions. We strive to address any concerns you may have about owning a puppy or kitten and teach you the best ways to care for your new family member. This is a special time for you and your pet, and we want to ensure you feel supported in this transition. Our comprehensive approach addresses your pet’s needs from vaccinations to a proper diet. During your pet’s first visit we will conduct a physical exam, develop a vaccine schedule, discuss your pet’s diet, and develop a parasite prevention plan. We will also discuss the importance of getting your pet spayed or neutered and microchipped.
Senior Pet Care
As pets age, their needs change. Pets over the age of 7 are more susceptible to diseases and heal more slowly, however, with proper care you can help your pet live a longer, happier life. Our team at Nachbar Veterinary Hospital can help you navigate your pet’s senior years with you. We do recommend more frequent wellness exams which will help us detect problems before they become advanced. Additionally, we may recommend changes to your pet’s diet, exercise, and other aspects of their healthcare as they mature. It can be very difficult to detect when your pet is in pain, but there are some signs that they may be experiencing discomfort in their older years. If you notice any of the following, your pet may be in pain:
- Difficulty getting up, easing into a comfortable position or limping.
- Fatigue, including decreased stamina on walks.
- Reluctance to be groomed, picked up or touched in certain areas.
- Urinary or fecal accidents
If any of these behaviors begin to occur, visit us so a source of the pain can be identified, and treatment can begin.
Holistic Medicine
While “western” medicine focuses on cause and effect, using procedures and medications to help restore normal function, holistic medicine focuses on restoring balance to bodily systems. Sometimes a holistic approach works better for certain conditions, and oftentimes we will treat a given condition with a combination of approaches. For example, a painful spine from a herniated disk will often respond better to acupuncture combined with pain relief than from medicine alone. Or therapeutic herb combinations given with chemotherapy often make side effects of the drugs less severe and may help cancer patients live better for longer. We try to use the tools that work best together to restore health for your pet.
See Dr. Gugino’s article on Animal Chiropractic Care:
Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy — aka Animal Chiropractic By Justine Gugino, DVM
Many people see a chiropractor when experiencing back pain, headaches or even when they want to maintain general wellness. However, have you considered that your pet could benefit from spinal adjustments as well? During my studies, I began to wonder: If my spinal health and general well-being could be impacted so greatly by seeing a chiropractor, could I learn this skill to help my canine patients?
So you may be thinking what is the science of chiropractic?
Animal Chiropractic (Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy) focuses on the preservation and health/wellness of the neuro—musculo—skeleta| system. Chiropractic is the science that is centered around the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. The spine is the body’s foundation and the nervous system—the brain, spinal cord, and nerves—controls the entire body. They must work together harmoniously to improve one’s general health and the body’s ability to heal. If the systems are not functioning to their highest potential the body may experience changes in digestion, heart and lung function, reproduction, and most evidently, musculature. When adjacent joints are in an abnormal position, called a subluxation, the nervous system and all that it controls will be negatively affected. If these subluxations are not corrected, they can result in prolonged inappropriate stimulation of nerves. This could result in reduced function internally, musculo-skeletal dysfunction, and pain.
What is spinal manipulation?
Spinal manipulation is the art of restoring full and pain free range of motion to joints and can greatly benefit an animal after they have experienced subluxations. The veterinarian will use their hands to palpate joints both statically and in motion. By doing this, they can determine where the animal is experiencing decreased motion or misaligned joints. Once identified, an adjustment can be performed.
An adjustment or spinal manipulation is a gentle, specific, quick and low force thrust that will be applied at an angle specific to the different areas of motion in the spine and extremities. Only a certified animal chiropractor will understand the complexity involved in adjustments and can best assess if an animal can benefit from chiropractic care.
How do you know if your furry friend needs spinal therapy?
Many animals can benefit from this alternative therapy. If you notice that your animal has a particularly sensitive spot somewhere on their body, is walking or trotting differently and or not performing to the same ability they have previously, they may be a candidate for a chiropractic assessment. However, an animal does not need to be sick or injured to benefit from chiropractic care. Animals in good health or ones used for sporting activities are also prime candidates for chiropractic care. By maintaining your pet’s proper spinal alignment and mobility they will attain optimal function of muscles, nerves and tissues that support the joints. When the body can move freely your pet will experience improved mobility, stance and flexibility, which can evolve into improved agility, endurance and overall performance. Finally, many people have never considered that chiropractic care can also benefit their animal by boosting their immune response. It can aid in providing a healthier metabolism and a vibrant nervous system which all facilitate your animal’s natural ability to heal themselves from within. Chiropractic care can enhance the quality of your pet’s life ensuring many active and healthy years to come.
How I got into Veterinary Spinal Manipulative therapy?
Anyone who knows me knows that I struggled with back pain as a teenager and all throughout my schooling. It wasn’t until I met my chiropractor that I began to experience all the benefits of this therapy, most importantly having a pain free back. Being pain free should not be a luxury, it should be the standard. After many years of riding horses and seeing what it took for them perform at the highest level, I began to understand that both small and large animals could benefit from this therapy. So, during veterinary school I began the process of researching how to become an Animal Chiropractor or Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapist. As I researched further, I noticed that this specialized profession has grown. It became apparent that one should be certified by either the College of Animal Chiropractors or American Veterinary Chiropractic Association to practice on animals. An owner should be diligent about finding a certified and respectable practitioner to work on their animal. It was surprising to find that there are only four programs in the USA and Canada that are approved by both organizations. The courses consist of over 200 hours of intensive study and hands on learning followed by certification testing. After much consideration, I applied to the Veterinary Chiropractic Learning Center and after 5 months of study I became certified by the College of Animal Chiropractors. I am very excited to be bringing this skill to WNY.
If you are interested in finding out whether your pet could benefit from Chiropractic Care, give us a call and ask for an appointment with Dr. Gugino.

Laser therapy

Applying laser therapy to incision
We perform most types of general soft tissue surgery including but not limited to spay/neuter, skin lump removal, abdominal surgery for tumors, intestinal foreign bodies, bladder stones, biopsies, stomach tacking to prevent torsion in large breed dogs, and C-sections. We also perform eyelid surgery for entropion and eyelid tumors, and ear surgery for tumors and chronic ear infections. We can remove thyroid tumors in cats and also perform perineal urethrostomy for male cats to help with repeated urinary obstructions.
We also perform orthopedic surgery for broken bones and joint injuries, including cranial cruciate ligament tears and luxating patellas. We perform the Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO), CORA-based Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (CBLO), as well as extracapsular stabilization for cranial cruciate and meniscal tears in dogs. We can apply pins, wires, bone plates, and extra skeletal fixation devices for fractures depending on the fracture and the patient.
Orthopedic Surgery
We offer many different orthopedic procedures for your pet and are one of the few vet clinics in Western New York to provide these services. Dr. Scott Nachbar has been performing orthopedic surgeries for many years, seeing about 50 orthopedic cases yearly. We offer many different types of orthopedic services for dogs and cats, including:
Fracture repairs
Did your pet get its leg stuck in the couch or fall off the bed? Did they get stepped on or accidentally kicked? Did they get run over or hit by a car? Many circumstances unfortunately happen that can cause bone fractures, but here at Nachbar Veterinary Hospital, we can help! Bone fractures must be repaired quickly, so don’t delay calling if you think your pet has a fracture.
Do you think your pet may need an amputation? There are many reasons a pet may require an amputation: bone cancer, a bad break that can’t be fixed with surgery, or infection. Whatever the reason might be, many factors go into determining if your pet is a candidate for amputation. Most pets do very well with amputations! We do many different types of amputations: legs, tails, toes, etc. Please call our office today to set up a consultation with Dr. Nachbar to find out what is best for your pet.
Cruciate Repair
Is your dog limping on his back leg? Has your vet diagnosed a torn cruciate ligament? Dr. Nachbar performs both TPLO and extracapsular repairs for failed cruciate ligaments. Learn more here (links to Torn Cruciate page).
Femoral Head Ostectomy
Is your dog or cat having hip trouble? Chronic pain from hip arthritis and medicines not working well enough? They may benefit from a Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) surgery to relieve the pain from the worn-out joint and provide them with better mobility. Learn more here (links to FHO page).
Do you have a young medium to large breed dog limping on a front leg? One possibility is Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) which can be relieved with surgery to remove the damaged cartilage.
Torn Cruciate
Has your dog ruptured its cruciate ligament? Does your dog need knee surgery? At Nachbar Veterinary Hospital we perform two stifle surgeries for torn cruciate ligaments: Extracapsular Repair and Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO). Many factors go into deciding what surgery is best for your beloved pet: cost, activity level, age, the weight of your pet, etc. We recommend coming in for a consultation with Dr. Nachbar so that he can discuss the options and decide together what is the best choice for your pet.
What happens if I don’t do surgery?
Since the knee is unstable without an intact cruciate ligament, the wearing between bone and cartilage becomes abnormal and the joint develops irreversible degenerative changes. Pain and lameness persist, and the opposite leg becomes stressed. Please contact your veterinarian or come in for a consultation to find out the options for your dog.
A Leveling Osteotomy (CBLO, TPLO) is often the best option for active, large dogs. CBLO and TPLO change the biomechanical function of the knee joint to stabilize the cruciate deficient stifle joint. After exploring the joint, removing damaged ligament fragments and any torn portions of the meniscal cartilage, and smoothing bone spurs, the tibial plateau is rotated to a more level position, greatly reducing the role of the missing cranial cruciate ligament and allowing the remaining ligaments and tendons to provide joint stability in its absence. It provides the best long term function and can greatly reduce the development of arthritic, degenerative changes over time. It is a complicated surgery since the bone must be precisely cut, rotated, and stabilized with a bone plate and screws. The CBLO is an improvement over the older TPLO surgery, providing a more secure fixation, better centering the forces of weight bearing, and avoids cutting the bone of the stifle joint. It also allows for correction of stifles with extremely steep tibial plateau angles.
Extracapsular Repair is a technically more straightforward procedure than CBLO/TPLO to treat a cruciate rupture. As in the CBLO/TPLO surgery, the damaged cruciate ligament is removed, damaged portions of the meniscal cartilage are removed, and any bone spurs are smoothed. A strong suture is then passed around the stifle joint to provide stability while the stifle heals. Depending on several factors, this option may be sufficient for your pet, although arthritic changes continue to progress over time, and the strong suture loosens somewhat.
Rehabilitation after surgery is essential in helping your dog recover better after surgery. Your dog will be restricted to a leash only and minimal activity for 8 to 12 weeks, slowly building up activity afterward. We recommend that our patients undergo a 6-treatment therapeutic laser series that helps speed healing and reduce swelling after the surgery. Your pet will receive two laser treatments after the surgery itself, one right after the surgery before they wake up from anesthesia and then the morning after surgery, having stayed in the hospital overnight.
To learn more about Post Surgical Care your pet would receive after their knee surgery, click here: post-surgical-care-of-bone-joint-surgeries.pdf.
To learn more about the Rehabilitation care for your pet if they were to undergo TPLO surgery (note this is rehabilitation after the initial 8 weeks after surgery), click here: rehabilitation-regimedoc.pdf
Femoral Head Ostectomy
Does your dog or cat have hip pain? There could many reasons why this could be: A dislocated hip, arthritis in the hip, or a broken femoral head. It’s important to contact your vet or our office for a consultation to find the cause and if surgery is right for them.
A Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) is the surgical removal of the diseased “ball” part of the ball and socket hip joint, and the smoothing of sharp bone spurs. This surgery creates a false joint in hip muscles that eliminates the pain from a worn-out hip joint grinding itself up. Your pet might benefit from this surgery if there is severe arthritis due to hip dysplasia or injury, and medications are not working well enough. Pets of all sizes can benefit from this surgery if needed.
Luxating Patella
Does your small breed dog have limping issues on and off? Does it run three-legged one minute and seem fine the next? Then your dog might suffer from a medial luxating patella (loose kneecap) that can be fixed surgically depending upon the severity. A medial luxating patella is also referred to as a “trick knee” which means the knee cap (patella) slips out of the smooth groove, allowing it to slide up and down.
There are four grades of medial luxating patella, grade one being the mildest and four the worst—usually, dogs with grade 2 or worse benefit from surgery. Depending on the severity, some dogs can pop it back into place on their own after a minute or two. A dog can have just one knee with this issue or both, and surgery can be done on both knees simultaneously if needed.
Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory
We enjoy the ability to obtain rapid, high quality diagnostic images and laboratory test results in our hospital. We use environmentally friendly high definition direct digital radiography, eliminating film and processing chemicals. Radiologist interpretation of images is rapid since all images can be transmitted digitally. Diagnostic ultrasound is another invaluable imaging tool that we use daily, allowing evaluation of abdominal and thoracic organs in real time. We find tumors, bladder stones, abnormal fluid accumulations, and can monitor fetal health. We can often sample abnormal tissues with an ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate. We can also arrange for advanced imaging such as CT scan and MRI.
Our in-house laboratory can provide rapid results of blood and urine tests for sick animals and pre-anesthesia testing. Rapid testing for Lyme disease, heartworm, feline leukemia and FIV is available. Using our centrifuge and microscope, we can find parasite eggs in fecal samples and look at cells and fluid from skin lumps and urine samples. For specialized tests, we have several reference laboratories including the Cornell and Michigan State diagnostic labs, as well as Idexx diagnostics.
Nutrition and Medication
Therapy for many conditions includes eating the right kind of diet and often taking short- or long-term medications. We can provide many good options for diets, including home-prepared food recipes and commercial prescription diets. Anyone who has tried to give a cat a pill or marvels at how a dog can eat the treat and spit out the pill inside can relate to the challenges we face in treating our pets effectively. We can help with specially formulated medications in flavors your pet will like and even transdermal medications for very persnickety pets.
Medication, Food, and Supplies ONLINE
Our practice now offers a portal for you to request, pay for, and receive your pet’s prescription and non-prescription medication, food, and supplies. We will authorize your prescriptions with refills as appropriate. Flea/tick and parasite products like Advantage, Trifexis and Interceptor are available. You can even order prescription diets delivered to your door, saving gas and time. While we always like to see you when you stop in, we understand those precious hours in a day are often too few. Click on the Shop our Online Store button below to get started.
Special Medications
In some instances your pet may need a specially prepared formulation of medication not readily available. An example would be special eye drops for dry-eye syndrome, or thyroid medication for your cat, who won’t take pills no matter what you do… We often work with compounding pharmacies to compound your pet’s medication into a more pet- and owner-friendly form. Our Online Store can provide formulated medications and we can write prescriptions for local compounding pharmacies such as Cottrill’s and Pine Pharmacy.
Urgent Care
We focus on keeping your pet happy and healthy. Unfortunately, pets occasionally experience an illness or injury that requires urgent care. Our clinic is equipped to handle urgent care during hospital hours, schedule permitting. If your pet has an emergency outside of our hours, we encourage you to contact the following 24-hour fully staffed veterinary emergency clinic:
Veterinary Emergency Clinic in WNY
Orchard Park Veterinary Medical Center
Village Veterinarian of Hamburg
Hospice Care
How do I know when it is time for my pet to cross the rainbow bridge?
Often our pets will show us when the time is right, but it is still hard to make the decision. It’s important to work with your veterinarian to determine the quality of life of your pet and available effective treatments for your pet’s condition. Also, keep in mind your and your family’s emotional well-being and other factors related to your pet’s health. When good quality of life and well-being can no longer be achieved, then euthanasia can be a kind and compassionate choice.
Here at our clinic, we have information packets to help you. Here are just a few things that may help you decide when that time is right:
Dr. McVety’s Pet Quality of Life Scale and Diary – Quality of Life Scale
This provides a scoring sheet to evaluate your pets social functions, physical health, natural function and mental health as well as your family’s concerns. “When evaluating the quality of life of your pet, personalized patient and family information is important when reaching an educated, informed, and supported choice that fits not only your pet’s medical condition but also your wishes and expectations. In short, quality of life applies not only to the pet; it also applies to you!” – Dr. McVety
Dr. Gardner’s Pet Quality of Life Scale and Diary – Quality of Life Scale and Daily Dairy
This provides a scoring sheet and daily diary for your pet that covers physical health, natural function and mental health.
This is a calendar that we recommend putting up on your fridge that your whole family can write on to say whether your pet had a good or bad day. A lot of times, your family will see different things with pets that not everyone might see due to busy schedules of work and everyday life. It gives you an idea of how many good days and how many bad days your pet has in a week or month. Quality of Life Calendar
Here are some Pain Score sheets that might help you determine when your pet is more painful than other times- For cats: pain-score-catdocx.pdf For dogs: pain-score-dog.pdf
What options are there when the time comes for my pet to cross the rainbow bridge?
We offer euthanasia services in the hospital, and owners can take home their pet for home burial or to a pet crematory or pet cemetery. We also offer cremation services, either private cremation with ashes returned or group cremation with ashes not returned. All of our cremation services are provided by Pet Heaven Funeral Home, Inc.
If your pet passes away at home, we can still offer the crematory services or you can take them directly to Pet Heaven or another crematory/cemetery.
If there is an emergency we recommend using the local emergency veterinarians that can perform euthanasia services if needed: Orchard Park, Village Vet of Hamburg, Greater Buffalo Vet Emergency Clinic
We are always available here at the clinic for our clients that are in need of grief counseling or need someone to talk to about their pet.
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy is a drug free, pain free, surgery free treatment option. Laser therapy utilizes specific wavelengths of light to create therapeutic effects such as, improved healing time, pain reduction, and decreased swelling. This option is available to treat many issues, including osteoarthritis, soft tissue injury, and chronic wounds. Improvement is seen over a period of several treatments, although improvement seen with only one or two treatments is not unlikely. Patients typically express greater comfort and mobility within a day after receiving laser treatment.
Laser therapy treatment requires no patient sedation or restraint which creates a more relaxing treatment environment. Laser therapy is often used with other forms of therapy, including drug therapy and acupuncture. All laser therapy is performed by our K-laser certified technicians. Ask us to recommend a treatment plan that fits your pet’s needs!
Microchipping is the most effective means of identification for your pet. Like vaccinations, microchipping is safe, quick and causes little pain. We always recommend that an ID tag be attached to your pet's collar, but the microchip will serve as an extra layer of protection if an accident does occur. Most veterinary hospitals and shelters are equipped with a handheld microchip scanner that can be used to check for a chip. If the pet has one, it will transmit its ID number to the scanner via a low-frequency radio wave. From there, they can retrieve the pet owner’s contact information from the manufacturer and call the owner.
We maintain a fully stocked pharmacy to fill your pet’s prescription needs quickly and conveniently. We also encourage you to browse our online pharmacy for convenient delivery and additional products.
At Nachbar Veterinary Hospital, we believe everyone deserves to be pampered, including your pet. Keep your pet feeling their best with our bathing services. Our services include:
- Nail trimming
- Ear cleaning
- Medicated baths
- Anal gland expression